A while back, I made my 100th sale on Etsy. I am so proud and honored that my dear Etsy customers have been so nice to me! I know many Etsy sellers have far many more sales than me, but this was a milestone for me!
My customer, caderobertabbyhope, bought my Goose Ruffles dress as my 100th sale. She also bought my cute little fishstick pillow. For her gift for being my 100th, I gave her something she had mentioned that she loved in my shop, my Sweet Dreams nightie for her daughter. I also included a painted bookmark.
I waited until she received her order to put this post up. I hope she doesn't mind, but this is her email to me when she got her shipment...
"OMG! OMG! OMG! I got the package just a moment ago and I was so Excited about everthing I was shreiking!!! The woman that works with me thinks i am a freak! I opened the Goose Ruffles dress first and IT. IS. BREATHTAKING! You are soo talented - I can already imagine my daughter in this!! Then I opened the pillow for my boy and HOW CUTE!! This will be perfect in his room, He will love it!! Then I was like hmmm, I wonder what is in the other packages?!? (It was like Christmas) The book mark is so beautiful, I'll say it again you are very talented! The pics do not do any of this justice.. And then the last one, IT WAS THE NIGHTGOWN! THE NIGHTGOWN!!! I'm sooo in love with it - I may have to shrink myself down and try to get in it!! Thank you soo very much you have made day/weekend, Oh and my daughter's as well.! Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!!!!! Thank you, Thank you!!!!!"
Thanks, caderobertabbyhope, for being supportive of my little shop, and for supporting Handmade. I appreciate you and all of my Etsy customers!
*visit her blog at