In the last three days I managed to have two big disasters! First, my serger broke down in the middle of holiday orders. Being without my serger is like being without a car!....Uh Oh! Did I say car?
I filled up my tank at the local Shell station Thursday morning, and the car died as soon as I left the station. In the middle of a busy four-lane, in the pouring rain!
I had to tow her in to the repair shop. Guess what? The tank was about ninty-five% filled with WATER!!! Two days later (and about $700.00 later) They said it was in the gas and you couldn't know until it was too late!
We just trust that what we are buying is ok. I hope disaster doesn't really come in threes. YIKES!
Oh, please, please have a better weekend...you are certainly wished one! : )
OH MY GOSH!!!! That's awful! I hope it all gets better soon!!
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