I listed several of my cute "crewel" pillows in my Etsy shop this week. I am really just making up this stuff. I am using burlap and Vintage wool yarns, mostly French...but, mine is much more loose and freestyle than traditional crewel.
I don't do traditional!
No patterns, kits or charts...just me!
This is my Easter Sweeties pillow. I love the whacky all over the place stitches!
Hey, notice the wooly chick? I made that, in wool of course, with a very old tool that I bought on Ebay! It was from the fifties, but the creator said she designed it in the twenties! How cool? Such a simple tool, but such Fab results!
Oh, yeah, more of those to come too!
Speaking of Easter, I am putting several Easter pre orders on Ebay this week! This is a great way to get your pick and have it custom fit/ made just for your Bunny!
Just click on the link on the right!