Yesterday, I went out on my deck to retrieve a painting I had left drying, and saw a deer standing by my porch! I froze, and watched her for a while, and she walked around, nibbled on some leaves, and slowly meandered down through the woods. I thought it was so sweet!
Later that afternoon, I went out to feed the cats, and saw her again! This time by the front porch! She did not run, and I called my daughter out to see her. We decided to offer her something to eat. We gave her some bread, some apple, some ...um...cat food kibble...and she gobbled it up! She even let us pet her head! She was particularly fond of sunflower seeds!
I went to get a bowl of water, a rather large mixing bowl! And she drank three bowls full of water! Then, she proceeded to follow us all around, up the long drive to the mailbox! Back down again to the house! She followed us all around the yard for about an hour! We had to leave to take my daughter to dance class, and she was still standing in our yard when we left! She was gone when we returned. I hope to see her again sometime! I cannot believe people take such joy in shooting these beautiful animals! Life in the woods!