I have this adorable customer on Etsy! She is so sweet, and has become one of my Fav customers! She ordered this little collage painting first, then turned around and ordered the big flower painting and these two little ones with the crab and fish. She has wonderful taste in colors, I love the palette she gave me to work with. That "photo" is her dog beside the flower vase. Hope you all like these! Hope she does too! Thanks Ashley! Stop back by again soon!
Yelli Kelli...Hey! That's Cute!
You Can't Be Serious!!!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Darling new Custom Art for Etsy Client!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Who Me?!? Oh My Gracious Goodness!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Custom Art Updates

I have been working on some custom orders from Etsy...This one was made to coordinate with some dinnerware the client has. I made these nine little canvases for her to frame and display in her dining room. Earthy Primaries are the colors and paisleys have been a fav of mine ever since I did a research project on them in college for a Textile Science class!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I Love Dogs
This is my latest in the shop! I am launching my new knits in cotton rib in Fabulous Colors for Fall! The chocolate brown with two shades of a turquoise-ish green are combined for my new dress, "I Love Dogs!" The appliques are a new style for me, kind of look like a screenprint, but they aren't. They are freehand, as usual. The details of shabby ruffles and the flower corsage pin make this a delish little frock for now or fall! See it here.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Custom House Painting Just Completed
I just finished this house painting for a (sort of) local client. She is actually closer to Birmingham. The person she is giving it to already has several of my paintings. Her friend is giving this one to her for her birthday. They are moving into a new house, and this is her "old" house. They have lots of memories such as big Christmas trees, Halloween parties ( the women all dress up as witches) fun entertaining, family, etc. Her daughter has one of my Sorority House paintings, and I did one of their family business! Hope she likes the new one!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Gotta Fly!
My little monogram pillow is one of my most popular items in my Esty shop! I just finished this one for a little girls room. Her Daddy is a pilot! This is a nice custom made gift item with a Great price! Only $10.00! Check it out in my shop! Hey! If you want one for free, check out the blog give away over at BareFoot By The Sea! The give away is next Tuesday! Good Luck!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Another Link Party!!

Hey! I just heard about another Link Party for Etsy sellers! I linked! You hould Too!
Not an Etsy seller? Click anyway and browse the items!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Join Me In A Link Party!

I am participating in a Link Party! Join Me! Click this link to see lots of cute Etsy items!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My First Blog Giveaway!!! No, Not Here.....
Hey! I am doing my first Blog Give Away...sort of... not here, but on this Darling blog!
Check out the post to enter to win one of my custom made hand embroidered pillows!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fun New Girly Art on Etsy
I am listing the first two of my new series for children's art! This group focuses on girly themes for Pretty girls! It shows a variety of physical traits and how Beautiful they are! These are some of my fav's since they are on my new Thick canvases,( over an inch!) with Shabby black painted sides! My Original Poetry is Fun and Fresh!
Stay tuned for new designs everyday! Here are a couple. Check them out in my Etsy shop!
I Just Fell Off The Turnip Truck!!!
I have started listing my new Transition Fall 2010 Back to School clothing in my Etsy shop! My first item is this darling "I Fell Off The Turnip Truck" dress! I started with my fav babyrib in a natural color. I had to Shabby it up , though, so I tea stained the fabric. Then I made this cute little tank dress with these Shabby ruffles in taupe and turnip purple! I painted the BIG TURNIP on the front, a smaller one on the back, and added a little ruffle around the neck!
I am calling this my "Farmer's Market/ Harvest Theme"....
Hey! It's more unusual than a pumpkin!! And, It comes with a free headband to match!
Check it out in my Etsy shop! More coming! Stay Tuned!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Just shipped! This is a group of paintings I just sent out for another Etsy client! Her DD is into gardening, and is getting a room makeover! I did the paintings based on her room colors and her love of growing things such as strawberries, flowers, bees, fruits and veggies! She even has backyard chickens! You Go Girl!
Hey! That's Cute!
All of my YelliKelli designs are Original works of art. Kelly Jackson, aka YelliKelli, is the ORIGINAL Fun & Funky Designer Artist from Guntersville, Al.!
"HEY! That's Cute!"